In the news…

Occupational Health Assessment Ltd in the news

A short summary of our recent media coverage and insights

Occupational Health Assessment Ltd (OHA Ltd) are the UKs only Certified B-Corp Occupational Health Provider. We are increasingly a leading voice in topical conversations relating to workforce wellbeing, Human Resources (HR) issues, employee benefits and (of course) occupational health assessments.

Below is a brief summary of just some of our recent coverage and thoughts, with links to the relevant articles where available.

The Harrods Scandal

Magnus Kauders, Managing Director at OHA Ltd, provides thoughts and insights to the ongoing and deeply concerning scandal of past misconduct at world-famous department store Harrods. 

Herbert in “Brand Ambassador” role for Occupational Health Assessment Ltd

Steve Herbert has joined Occupational Health Assessment Ltd in the newly created role of Brand Ambassador. Herbert is a well-known presenter, writer and commentator on human resources (HR), employee benefits and reward issues. He is is noted for his “fun and informative” approach to complex topics.  This appointment was covered in several leading HR and Employee Benefit publications including Benefits Expert MagazineBusiness NewsHealth & Protection and Corporate Adviser

Guide to good occupational health referrals

Making a referral to occupational health experts is a crucial step for employers seeking to support employee health, wellbeing and productivity. Yet few HR professionals fully understand the data and details that should and should not be included for the referral to provide a successful outcome. Magnus Kauders explores this issue and provides practical thoughts and insights in this post

Baffled by the Budget?

In his regular monthly column for the Employer News website, Steve Herbert explores the implications for employment, employers, and HR professionals following the first ever Budget delivered by a female Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK.  This article looks at the cost and admin implications of this major fiscal event, both in 2024 and beyond.  Steve also offers additional thoughts on the Budget in this item for The Surrey & Sussex HR Forum members.

Fabulous Feedback

In 2024 Occupational Health Assessment Ltd launched our “fun and informative” HR & Employment Webinars, with the ambition of making these events a “must attend” fixture in the calendar for our HR, Reward and Payroll audience. The feedback from our first events has been exceptional and just a few of many examples can be seen here. This post also includes a link to pre-register interest for future events as they are announced.

Fines for unhealthy workplaces?

A leading think tank has suggested that “unhealthy” workplaces should be fined to encourage active wellbeing improvements, sparking a complex debate of the rights and wrongs of such an approach. Our own Steve Herbert was asked to contribute thoughts and insights to this excellent article in the CIPD’s People Management Magazine.

Reasonable adjustments

The ability to offer and facilitate reasonable adjustments to support worker wellbeing is often misunderstood and underused and a failure to provide such support can also result in expensive tribunal decisions against the employer. Our website article looks at one such case and provides useful insights for employers to consider when implementing such adjustments. 

Learning to love the employment rights changes

British business is facing significant employment change following the arrival of a new Labour government at Westminster, and the introduction of the employment rights bill, equality (race and disparity) bill, and autumn 2024 Budget measures.  Many employers are concerned at the direction of travel, yet Steve Herbert argues that business might benefit from learning to love the changes.  This article appeared in Steve’s monthly column for the Employer News website. 

£900k fine for failure to protect health

A recent high-profile case involving a £900,000 fine for exposure to Legionella bacteria highlights crucial considerations for HR managers tasked with maintaining a safe environment. In this post we explore this issue and provide some useful pointers as to the actions that Human Resources professionals should consider to minimise the risks and costs in your workplace.
The above listing represents just a small selection of our recent thoughts and coverage.  For more insights and topical thoughts please visit the “News” section of the Occupational Health Assessment Ltd website which is updated regularly.  Alternatively, please contact us for an in-depth conversation on any of the issues raised.
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