Rapid access to occupational health assessments in Leicester

Get expert medical support with our local occupational health assessment service

Occupational health assessments in Leicester

We provide rapid access to specialist occupational health opinions and a advice. We understand HR practices, ER, GDPR and the ACAS Code.

We help businesses identify, mitigate and manage health and absence risks. Appointments are available for employers in Leicester, Coventry, Birmingham and the surrounding areas within 2 days.

occupational health adviser

Medical Opinions

We help fix health risks quickly with specialist medical advice for businesses.

How to choose an occupational health doctor

Quick Answers

Assessments are available within 2 days. Administrative help is included too.

Occupational health assessment doctor

Expert Advice

All our doctors have at least 15 years' experience, so you can rely on their advice.

Appointments in 2 days

Accessing expert medical advice quickly is critical for most clients. We provide appointments with occupational health experts in Leicester, Coventry and Birmingham within two working days.

"Very efficient service"

Thanks for the speed at which you were able to turn this around - very efficient service.
Stone Marine Services occupational health quote
Connie Minty
Finance Manager, Stone marine services ltd
B-Corp Certified National Occupational Health Provider

As a B Corp, we’re part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact.

Being a B Corp is about more than being the best. It’s about always working to be better. That’s why B Lab works to evolve certification standards and why B Corps re-certify every three years, to ensure they’re keeping up and improving.

Certified B-Corporation Occupational Health Assessment Ltd

B Corp Certification means that a company has been verified as meeting high standards for social and environmental impact, it has made a legal commitment to stakeholder governance, and that it is demonstrating accountability and transparency by disclosing this record of performance publicly.

"Prompt and efficient service provided"
Prompt and efficient service provided. The opportunity to discuss a case in advance with an assessor was extremely useful. The report provided was comprehensive and came through very quickly, so we were able to move forward without delay.
The Goldsmiths Company
Paula Gay
Head of Human Resources, The Goldsmith's company
Accredited occupational health provider

We are an SEQOHS Accredited occupational health provider, which means we’ve been independently assessed as meeting high standards of care and service by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

“The service is congratulated on their high level of appreciation and support regarding individual experience, knowledge, and skills and the ongoing development of their staff” – SEQOHS Assessment Report

Occupational Health Assessment Ltd is an SEQOHS accredited occupational health provider

Why Choose Us?

Our team are accessible, professional and responsive. We deliver expert insight, right when it’s needed.

All our doctors have at least 15 years’ post-graduate experience, giving you robust and defensible advice.

Occupational health assessments are provided within 2 days of a request.

We’re based in Surrey, although with access to clinics nationwide, we can help wherever you are.

We deliver rapid access to experts in every area of occupational medicine.

A case management system is available for 24/7, so you can work whenever you need to.

Because our advice is pragmatic, commercially-focussed and defensible, it delivers value to businesses.

Our experts are accredited by specialist medical bodies. Each has a Diploma in Occupational Medicine and at least 10 years’ post-qualification experience.

We're here to help

We know that getting good advice can be tricky. As part of our service, we’ll guide you through the best questions to ask. That helps us work towards positive outcomes.

"Great service"
Thank you very much – I really appreciate the assistance and great service from your team and Dr Irons
Atkins Thomson occupational health quote
Shelley Vincent
Practice Manager, Atkins Thomson Limited

Our team of medical experts

High quality care
Occupational Health Assessment Ltd is an SEQOHS accredited occupational health provider
COHPA logo occupational health news
Certified B-Corporation Occupational Health Assessment Ltd
SETsquared business support for Occupational Health Assessment Ltd
Society of Occupational Medicine corporate supporter logo Occupational Health Assessment Ltd
Disability confident occupational health provider
"Really responsive and helpful"
The team made a huge difference. They were really responsive and helpful throughout. The best occupational health support we've ever received, by far.
Wooden Hill occupational health provider
Robin Sibley
Managing director
Our Business in Numbers
Years of combined experience
Appointments available weekly
1 K+
Client employees covered
Our Case Management Process

We provide free initial advice. That helps to build a clear picture of the case. It’s the first step in the case management process.


Support is provided for managers to help plan the best route towards positive outcomes.


Our expert doctors are matched to the presenting case. That gives you the best advice about the condition.


Assessments take up to an hour. Appointments are within 2 working days. 


Reports are delivered within 3 days of the assessment (subject to consent).


Dedicated administration support is provided. You’re always kept fully informed.

"Support was fantastic"
I have found the delivery of support and responsiveness of contact to be fantastic while working with your service. I'd certainly suggest using your service again, as well as recommend you to others.
Big bear education occupational health quote
Hannah Ebling
SEND Leader, Big bear education ltd
Frequently Asked Questions

We provide professional medical advice for businesses, via an occupational health assessment. That includes guidance about how to support a medical condition, or how a health condition may progress or develop in the future.

If used effectively, occupational health is much more than managing sickness absence. You can get professional advice, to help make sure you don’t make mistakes managing health at work.

Our doctors and nurses help those who may be unfortunate enough to be ill, assessing fitness to work. For example, how effectively someone can perform their job. We’ll advise on whether adjustments to a role or environment may be necessary too.

An occupational health assessment is an investigation of the employee’s health, provided as a full medical report. The content of the report provided is linked with the questions asked. We’re also pleased to provide guidance and support on the best questions to ask.

The reports ensure you receive professional medical advice. If you ask us to, we’ll suggest how best to support the employee. However, we can’t take management decisions for you.

All employers have a legal duty to protect their staff, which is set out in the Health & Safety at Work Act. Some of the costs of absence, ill health and accidents at work are highlighted by the HSE.

There are lots of reasons why it makes business sense to manage health conditions at work. Many of them are outlined in the CIPD’s annual health and wellbeing at work report, which also has specific advice about how to approach supporting long-term health conditions.

The most common conditions we support are anxiety, stress, depression, long-covid, bad backs, physical problems, dependency issues, repeated short-term absence from work and post-surgical rehabilitation.

There’s more information about why occupational health assessments matter provided in this detailed article.

An occupational health assessment aims to support those employees who may be  be ill, or where health may be affecting their performance. A referral to occupational health can assess their fitness to work. 

An occupational health assessment is a review of how effectively a person can perform their job. We’ll let you know if adjustments to a role or environment will help.

Occupational health can be incredibly useful to manage the health of your staff. It can also help you manage your Health & Safety risks and obligations too.

You can learn more in our What to Expect from Occupational Health Guide.

Early intervention and specialist medical help offer the best prospect of a successful resolution to a health problem at work. 

Most absent employees should be able to return to previous duties, however, some may require adjustments to their role or environment.

If you’re concerned about an employee’s ability to do their job, or their mental health, it’s best to seek professional medical advice at the earliest opportunity.

This guide also shares information and advice about how and when to intervene when health affects performance at work.

We’re pleased to provide a specialist mental health assessment service too.

If there is an underlying medical condition or longer-term disability, this does not necessarily mean that the employee will be unfit for work.

Sometimes adjustments at work are suggested (e.g. working reduced hours for a limited period). Therefore, you can demonstrate you are doing all you can to support your employee appropriately.

Where necessary, we can also help identify if the nature of an employees’ work might be having a detrimental effect on their health. That means advice can be provided to avoid any further deterioration.

When the Equality Act 2010 replaced the Disability Discrimination Act (from 1995) it brought a number of changes to management practices.

You can no longer ask questions about an employee’s mental or physical health, unless they are directly related to their workplace role or duties.

That means that questions to occupational health should be related to capability, for example, “is the employee capable of working full days?”. Employers should also avoid asking employees about the content of an occupational health assessment, other than the information provided in the report.

You cannot demand to know about illness or specific conditions, even it causes absence from work. However, employers can request a ‘fit note’ from a GP, although they generally do not provide extensive detail.

You may need to consider making “reasonable adjustments” to support a colleague with a condition which may be a disability. Whilst it’s our role to advise on adjustments you could consider making, whether an adjustment is reasonable or not is ultimately a legal decision.

Arranging an occupational health appointment ensures you can manage risks, whilst fully complying with the Equality Act, moving you towards a successful return to work.

Accurately predicting how a health condition may develop (or how much time off work is likely) can be sometimes be quite difficult. It is not always an exact science. If surgery is anticipated, it is usually possible to give an estimate of typical or likely absence duration. 

Ill-health can often be a complicated issue and sometimes it can take time to get a clear answer and a resolution. 

The content of the reports we provide following an assessment is always directly linked with the questions asked at the start of the assessment process. We’re pleased to provide guidance and support about the best questions to ask too.

You’ll receive professional medical advice about whether the employee has a medical condition, or suggestions about how to support the employee and advice about how things may progress. 

Sadly we can’t take management decisions for you and our advice is always limited to professional medical opinions.

Our guide to understanding occupational health reports shares much more information on the kind of advice you can receive and how to interpret it too.

We’re pleased to publish professional profiles of all our team of doctors and nurses. You can assess their experience and specialist qualifications, before choosing which specialist may be best to support your business.

Many businesses offering occupational health advice do not provide information about their clinical teams on their websites. This is often because they do not employ their own clinicians, sub-contract work to other businesses or do not have extensive clinical capacity available.

You can read more about the specialist qualifications our team hold and what they mean in our guide to selecting an occupational health doctor.

Occupational health appointment information

We guarantee to offer you an appointment with one of our expert occupational health specialists within 2 days of a request.

If you’d like to arrange a specific day or time to suit your employee, it can sometimes take a day or two longer.

To conduct a thorough occupational health assessment can take up to an hour. Reports are provided within 3 days of the appointment (subject to consent).

In order to give you and your employee the best advice, we need to understand the problem clearly. We’ll ask you to complete a referral form to help the information we need to conduct our assessment.

Sadly, we are unable to assess employees without a referral form being provided first. This is because we have to be able to demonstrate that we have acted fairly. Click to learn more about our privacy policy.

We’ll give you information that will help you to make decisions about an employee’s health-related problems. It helps you to comply with the law. 

Although we will always try to be as helpful as possible, we can only answer the questions that you have asked of us in your referral.

Our reports are as detailed and comprehensive as possible. If asked in the referral, we’ll answer:

  • whether we think an individual is fit for the role outlined to us
  • if an underlying health condition is present or not
  • when an employer may expect an employee to return to work
  • recommendations regarding adjustments if we think the Equality Act may apply
  • suggestions for rehabilitation programmes
You can read more about the kind of information and advice we’ll provide in our guide to occupational health reports.

Reports are provided within 3 working days (subject to consent).

Employees can ask to see the report before it is sent to you, to check for factual inaccuracies. They can request that any factual mistakes are corrected. 

Employees cannot insist that we change our opinions.

There’s more about this topic in our guide to GP reports.

You can discuss the history and background to the case before submitting a referral. That helps us to make sure we get the right clinician to support the case. 

We’re pleased to advise on the best questions to ask in a referral to occupational health, before you complete a referral form. Sadly we cannot discuss the referral without explicit informed consent after we receive the completed referral form. This is because we deem this to be the point at which the clinician/patient relationship is formed and medical confidentiality applies from that point.

When we conduct an assessment, we can only act on information that is contained within the referral form. The employee has a right of access to the referral form and anything shared is discoverable by the employee.

We can’t discuss what happens during the assessment, or what’s likely to in our report. We always have to complete a consent process with the employee. Please contact us for further information.

We are pleased to provide whatever help we can to explain our reports, for example, clarifying our advice or medical language. 

To ensure we maintain our independence and impartiality, we can’t provide additional information (that’s not already contained in the report) without fully informed consent from the employee.

Although we ask employees to sign a consent form, we cannot release the report without explicit informed consent. Consent can be retracted at any time. Very rarely, employees can refuse consent to release the report.

In these circumstances, you’re then able to make whatever business decisions you need to take based upon what you do know about the case. ACAS also has some useful information and guidance for employers too.

Commercial information

We have different fees depending upon whether the assessment is conducted by a Nurse or a Doctor. You can read more about our team of experts in our occupational health doctors page.

Each referral includes a pre-assessment telephone and up to a 1 hour assessment. It also includes the compilation and provision of our report, consent packs, professional opinions and all associated administration, scheduling and service.

We’re pleased to be able provide preferential terms for charitable and educational bodies. Please contact us for our current professional fee schedule.

We always to our very best to help and will always try to accommodate any late changes. Regrettably, if the appointment is missed or cancelled on the day, or less than 24 hours notice is provided to cancel or re-schedule, we still need to charge the full assessment fee. This is because we cannot reuse the time once it has been set aside for the appointment.

Yes, we welcome all major credit and debit cards.

Yes, we can invoice your company. We can provide pro-forma invoices too.

We are proud to be a Certified B-Corporation, which means we’ve been independently audited and assessment as meeting high ethical, environmental and social standards. We’re also an SEQOHS accredited business, which is a quality accreditation scheme run by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

We have strict environmental policies and procedures in place, as well as ethical purchasing and procurement principles. We regularly contribute to a number of charitable causes.

We have been awarded Trade Mark Surrey Hills accreditation in response to our commitment to quality and sustainability. We are a paper-free business.

We also provide financial support and assistance for medical students via a range of sponsorship and bursaries.

You can learn more about how we use, manage and store data, plus the basis which we use for processing health data in our Privacy Notice.

Employers can learn more about their responsibilities and how to manage employee health data via our Guide to Managing Employee Health Data.

We’re pleased to publish professional profiles of all our team of doctors and nurses. You can assess their experience and specialist qualifications, before choosing which specialist may be best to support your business.

Many businesses offering occupational health advice do not provide information about their clinical teams on their websites. This is often because they do not employ their own clinicians, sub-contract work to other businesses or do not have extensive clinical capacity available.

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